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Saturday 27 July 2024
01723 351825
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Please note that we are currently redeveloping our Holiday Cottage Manager application. While this is in progress, we are not taking on any new clients. Please register via our mailing list to be notified when the redevelopment is complete.

Holiday Cottages On-line Booking System

Our on-line holiday cottages booking system is very flexible and can be configured to suit your individual preferences.

Please refer to the questions on the right. These should provide the answers to most questions you may have, but please contact us if there is anything else you want to ask. We'll be happy to help.

Holiday cottage

Please join our mailing list for details of any new features or special offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Booking System

  • Why should I choose Cottage Owner ahead of other booking systems?
  • How much commission do you charge for bookings?
  • Why should I offer on-line bookings for my holiday cottages?
  • I like to vet my guests by chatting on the phone first before I take their booking. Will on-line bookings mean that this personal approach will be lost?
  • Can I define what bookings I am willing to accept?
  • Do you differentiate between weekend and midweek short break prices?
  • What happens if I don't want to offer short breaks?
  • Must I accept all on-line bookings?
  • What must I do to ensure that the availability shown in my website is always accurate and up-to-date?
  • Does the system generate automated emails?
  • Can I take a booking by telephone?
  • What support is there for special offers?
  • How are holidays such as Christmas and New Year accommodated?
  • What provision is made for pets?
  • Must I provide full terms and conditions?

Taking Payments

  • What guest payment options are accommodated?
  • Who are SagePay?
  • Can I operate the booking system without offering on-line card payments?

The Back Office

  • What functions are provided in the back office?
  • Are any additional functions provided if I am using SagePay for on-line payments?
