
This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this website with cookies enabled, you consent to our use of cookies. You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings. However, with cookies disabled, many websites will not operate correctly. Please refer to our website policy for an explanation about cookies.

Tuesday 11 February 2025
01723 351825
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Please note that we are currently redeveloping our Holiday Cottage Manager application. While this is in progress, we are not taking on any new clients. Please register via our mailing list to be notified when the redevelopment is complete.

Holiday Cottages On-line Booking System

Website Policy

Here is a brief statement of our website policy, including our privacy policy. Please contact us if you have any questions. We shall be only too happy to help.

  • Website Content
    We will endeavour to ensure that the content of this website is always accurate, honest, and up-to-date. However, all content, including prices, is subject to change without notice.
  • Personal Information
    All personal information collected through the forms in this website will be used only for the purpose intended, eg to answer an enquiry or, where you are using any of our systems, to maintain those systems and keep you informed of any matters pertaining thereto. Personal information will not be retained for longer than is necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it was received.
  • Mailing List
    In the case of our mailing list, we will retain the information supplied by you for the purpose of keeping you informed about any news, offers or developments concerning our systems. Your information will not be shared with any other third parties without your prior consent. We will remove your details from our mailing list on request.
  • Cookies
    Cookies are small parcels of data stored temporarily on your hard drive while you are browsing a website. These are a standard mechanism used by most websites. By continuing to use this website with cookies enabled, you consent to our use of cookies.

    Our website employs cookies for the purpose of maintaining user sessions to enable both the demonstration booking process and the owner application process. Cookies are also used for the purpose of generating access statistics. These provide us with general information about how our website is used. However, no personal information that would enable us to identify individuals is either obtained or stored in these cookies and they are deleted automatically within 24 hours.

    Cookies are often used to track a user's browsing history for the purpose of targeted advertising. This website does not set any cookies of this type.

    We use a third party service provided by Google Analytics to provide us with further general information about the performance of this website. The data collected by Google is aggregated to show general trends and does not identify individual users. From time to time, we may also use other third party services such as Facebook and Twitter, the presence of which will be readily apparent from their on-screen icons. Any other embedded third party services, including video players, may also set cookies. In each case, any cookies set by the providers of these services are set by them directly. They are not set by this website and we have no control over them. Please refer to these services' own privacy policies if you wish to check how they use cookies.

    Should you wish to delete or disable cookies, please refer to your browser's Help function. Please note, however, that disabling cookies will affect your ability to use this website, as neither the demonstration booking process nor the owner application process will operate correctly without them. Moreover, disabling cookies in this website will also disable the booking process in all other websites that use our booking system for live holiday cottage bookings. Many websites will not run correctly with cookies disabled, especially ones that require you to log in or that provide any form of checkout or booking process, as cookies are usually needed to keep track of individual transactions.

  • On-line Payments
    In the case of on-line payments, your credit / debit card details are processed by Sagepay on our behalf, who act an an intermediary between your bank and ours. Your payment details are not made known to us.
  • Telephone Payments
    In the case of telephone card payments, these are authorised immediately while you are on the telephone. Your credit / card details are neither recorded nor retained by us.
  • Links
    Links to external websites are provided as a service to our site visitors, eg where they contain information that may be of either general or specific interest to persons concerned in the holiday cottage market or planning a self-catering cottage holiday. However, we are not responsible for the content, views, or accuracy of information on external websites.