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Tuesday 11 February 2025
01723 351825
Special offer
Cottage Owner logo
SagePay logo
Please note that we are currently redeveloping our Holiday Cottage Manager application. While this is in progress, we are not taking on any new clients. Please register via our mailing list to be notified when the redevelopment is complete.

How To Apply

To join, please complete the form on the right, then click 'next' to move on to the next stage. You will be able to complete the whole process on-line.

Remember, the first month is free, so please spend that time learning the system and confirming that it will meet your needs.

Please ensure that you enter your email correctly as the initial log-in details will be sent to this address.

The items marked with an asterisk must be completed.





Business Name *
Name (Title, Forename, Surname) *
Address *

City / Town *
County *
Country *
Postcode *
Telephone *
Email *
Website *
Security *
Please enter the last three digits of our telephone number (shown top right). This will help us to distinguish genuine applications from junk mail robots.