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Tuesday 11 February 2025
01723 351825
Special offer
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Please note that we are currently redeveloping our Holiday Cottage Manager application. While this is in progress, we are not taking on any new clients. Please register via our mailing list to be notified when the redevelopment is complete.

Holiday Cottages On-line Booking System

Our booking system is designed with economy in mind. Our subscriptions are banded so that they are affordable whether you own one cottage or twenty, and we allow you to pay quarterly, which allows the cost to be spread evenly over the year.

Holiday cottage

In most cases, the total annual cost is likely to be covered by the rent from just one booking, which represents great value for money.


Number of Cottages Booking Manager On-line Payments
  Set-Up Quarterly Set-Up Quarterly
1 - 2 50 69 150 30
3 - 5 75 79 150 35
6 - 10 100 89 150 40
11 - 15 125 99 150 45
16 - 20 150 109 150 50
21 - 25 175 119 150 55
26 - 30 200 129 150 60

Special Introductory Offer

We are offering a one-month free trial of our booking manager (without the on-line payments option). This will give you plenty of time to satisfy yourself about the quality of our product and to reassure yourself that it meets your expectations and requirements. During this trial period, we won't even ask for your payment details and you can keep any bookings you receive, so there's no good reason not to give it a try!


  • All prices are shown in Pounds GB exclusive of VAT, which will be added at the rate prevailing on each invoice date.
  • For more than 30 cottages, please email us for a quotation.
  • Please note that on-line payments are optional and not essential. We have many clients who operate on-line bookings successfully without this facility, relying instead on other payment methods such as cheques and bank transfers.
  • On-line payments require a SagePay account plus an Internet Merchant Account. The prices shown here do not include either SagePay's monthly subscription or individual transaction fees charged by your own bank, both of which you will pay directly to them.
  • Please refer to our FAQ section for further information.